CoC Board Committees
CoC Board Committees serve to provide expertise, guidance, and practical support informing the work of the CoC Board. Such groups provide multiple opportunities for community engagement, collaboration on, and contribution to, those issues and concerns facing the CoC.
For decisions about new issues or actions not readily assignable to an existing Committee, the CoC Board may make a decision after soliciting and considering recommendations from an existing Committee, or the CoC Board will form a new Ad Hoc Committee to consider the issue and provide recommendations.
Contact us if you are interested in participating in a Committee.
- Committee Application – click here
- Commitment Form – click here
Standing Committees
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee provides a mechanism for Advisory Board leaders (Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Chairs of Standing Committees, and the CoC Lead Agency CEO (as an Ex officio member) to engage, within the limits set by Advisory Board policy and the charter, in decision making, oversight, and communication on important Continuum of Care matters.
Governance Advisory Committee
The committee evaluates and recommends changes to improve the Continuum of Care’s structure and ensure it is meeting the mission. The Governance Advisory Committee reviews Advisory Board member nominations and provides recommendations to the Advisory Board; annually reviews the Charter and provides recommendations to the Advisory Board and General Membership; and reviews Board policies and makes recommendations to the Advisory Board.
Evaluation Advisory Committee
Responsible for advising on the Homeless system of care which includes: CES regional support and effectiveness, HMIS data system and/or other relevant data and systems, support of the HUD NOFO competitive process and collaborative application, Regional Homeless System performance measures and metrics, review of LSA, SPM, PITC and HIC, review of HUD CoC and ESG program monitoring and grievances of any corrective action or final funding recommendations of any competitive process the RCCC may be party to, make recommendations to the Board for changes in CES or HMIS systems that require Advisory Board and/or General Membership approval, and create a strategic annual plan with the CoC Lead Agency to calendar committee and areas of focus for the committee.
Rating & Ranking Subcommittee
Responsible for monitoring, evaluating and recommending improvements to enhance the Continuum of Care and provider performance. Agencies receiving CoC funding are unable to participate in the annual rating and ranking process for HUD CoC funds. The Rating & Ranking Committee meets as needed during the annual HUD Continuum of Care NOFO process.
Veteran’s Consortium
The purpose of this group will be to continue to provide regional leadership on the issue of Veteran homelessness, review data and address challenges, and coordinate the effort to end Veteran homelessness across San Diego County. The committee aligns its work with the strategies within the United States Interagency Council on Homelessness’s Federal Criteria and Benchmarks for Achieving the Goal of Ending Veteran Homelessness. These include identifying all Veterans experiencing homelessness, providing shelter immediately to any Veteran experiencing unsheltered homelessness who wants it, providing service-intensive transitional housing only in limited instances, building capacity to quickly move Veterans into permanent housing, and addressing Veterans who are at-risk of homelessness. The committee also coordinates efforts with the CoC’s involvement and activities within the national Built for Zero initiative with Community Solutions focused on measuring an end state on Veteran homelessness across the CoC.