Grants & Contracts

RTFH Grants and Contracts are managed through ZoomGrantsTM for subgrantees of all funding types managed by the RTFH for the Super Notice of Funding Opportunity (SNOFO), the HUD CoC NOFO Program, the  Homeless Housing, Assistance and Prevention Grant Program (HHAP), and Initiatives

Grant and Contract Subrecipient Resources

CoC YHDP Subrecipients

FY 2022 GY(12/01/23 thru 11/30/24)

FY22 CoC Y Kick Off Webinar (11/8/23) click here for the video recording, click here for the slide deck

FY22 Notice of Subrecipient Project Submission Requirements (09/22/23) click here

FY 2021 GY(12/01/22 thru 11/30/23)

FY21 COC Y Post Award Training (11/03/22) click here for the video recording, click here for the slide deck

FY21 CoC Y Program RTFH Youth System Subawards click here

FY21 CoC Y Renewal Office Hours (03/02/22) – Agenda click here Common Issues in Implementing Projects – Request for Reimbursements click here for the video recording, click here for the slide deck

FY21 CoC Y Renewal Office Hours – ZG Application Walkthrough (01/10/22) Agenda click here

FY 2020 GY(12/01/19 thru 11/30/22)

FY20 YHDP Grant Kick Off Training (11/18/21) click here for the video recording, click here for the slide deck

ZoomGrants Training

Submitting Invoice Recorded Training (01/18/22) click here

CoC Y Renewal Invoice Steps (01/18/22) click here

CoC Y Renewal Application Submission (01/10/22) click here  

Indirect Cost Worksheet click here

Match Documentation Form click here

Lease Worksheet click here

CoC Y Renewal Reporting Guide click here

  • YHDP Request For Reimbursement Supporting Documentation Training (09/18/2020) click here
  • CoC Supporting Documentation Guide (4/28/2023) click here

Alternative Requirements 

  • Alternative Requirements Summary (08/2020) click here
  • Alternative Requirement from the HUD CDP Office (07/2020) click here
  • Additional Waivers (03/31/21click here  – The ability to expense rental arrears and utility arrears has been extended to June 30, 2021 under Supportive Services.

YHDP Cost Eligibility Resources


Resolution Strategies Grantees

Resolution Strategies (RS)



Office Hours


    ZoomGrants Reporting Training

    Training Conducted on November 24, 2020 by the RTFH. Delivered by the Grants & Contracts & the HMIS Teams.

    Overview: The purpose of this guide is to support the HHAP sub-recipients run the HMIS Annual Performance Report (APR) in order to analyze, extract and enter the correct data into ZoomGrants for the Monthly Cumulative Program Reports due monthly by the 15th of each month.


      Other CoC Resources

    • Electronic Code of Federal Regulations  click here
    • CoC Program Grant Administration click here
    • CoC Program Grant Administration user Guide click here
    • CoC Overview of Program Components and Eligible Costs click here
    • CoC Program Interim Rule (including eligible costs) click here
    • Indirect cost toolkit click here

    Archived Information and Resources

    HHAP Grantees

    HEAP Grantees

    HEAP Grantees: Office Hours

    • HEAP Year Two Office Hours slides (11/16/2020) click here

    ZoomGrants Reporting Training

    Training Conducted on November 24, 2020 by the RTFH. Delivered by the Grants & Contracts & the HMIS Teams.

    Overview: The purpose of this guide is to support the HEAP YEAR TWO subrecipients run the HMIS Annual Performance Report (APR) in order to analyze, extract, and enter the correct data into ZoomGrants for the Monthly Program Reports

    • Running Cumulative APR Recording (11/24/20)  click here
    • HEAP Year Two APR Guide (11/18/20) click here

    HEAP Subrecipient Resources

    HEAP Grantees: Zoomgrants Reporting Training (APR and Service Reports in Bitfocus’ Clarity HMIS) (7/29/2020)

    HEAP Grant Awardee Training Registration: Reporting and Invoicing

    Monday, Oct. 14, 2019  10am – 11am

    This webinar is a 2nd scheduled training date for those who were unable to attend the first webinar on 09/25/2019. This training provide an overview for HEAP grant awardees on the invoicing process as well as reporting in ZoomGrants.

    Report via ZoomGrants™ click here

          YHDP Grant Recipient Resources

          YDHP Applicant Process

          FY 2020 GY (12/01/19 thru 11/30/22)

          FY20 YHDP Grant Kick Off Training (11/18/21) click here for the video recording, click here for the slide deck

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          DIAL 2-1-1

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