RTFH Conference on Homelessness
2024 RTFH Conference on Homelessness - Sponsorship Opportunities
The annual RTFH Conference on Homelessness is uniquely curated to bring together some of the best minds in this space with local decision makers and front-line workers.
New ideas and best practices are shared, expert level skills developed and peer-to-peer learnings. Important connections are made, policies are advanced, and the people on the ground doing the work are celebrated.
Last year’s conference was a remarkable success, bringing together over 1000 participants from over 165 organizations. This demonstrated our region’s strong commitment to addressing homelessness and advancing our shared goals. RTFH is proud to be at the forefront of these efforts, and we remain dedicated to fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing to highlight the significant work happening in San Diego and beyond.
This year, we aim to bring together national, state, and local leaders and experts to continue to advance The Regional Community Action Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness in San Diego. We are currently working on developing engaging breakout sessions and confirming notable speakers, with an ongoing focus on lived experience and racial equity. We are committed to making this year’s event even more impactful than before. Hosting an event of this scale requires substantial resources and every contribution will make a significant difference in the success of this conference.
Questions about becoming a Sponsor?
To receive the Sponsorship Prospectus, fill out this short form. If you have any other questions, reach out to us!
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RTFH Sponsorship Prospectus
2023 RTFH Conference on Homelessness
Thank you to attendees, speakers, sponsors, and more for making the 2023 RTFH Conference on Homelessness a huge success. With over 1,000 registered attendees, over 160 organizations represented, and two packed days of learning and collaboration, “Peers, Partners, and Practices” showed that our region is all about reducing and ending homelessness. We’ll see you in 2024!
With keynote addresses by Iain De Jong and Dr. Margot Kushel, panels featuring national, state, and local leaders, San Diegans with lived experience, RTFH and CoC board members, elected officials, and frontline staff members. RTFH was honored to put together a rich conference that increased collaboration and knowledge sharing and left many participants feeling energized and reconnected to the work and each other.
Keep reading to recap the events that made the second conference one to remember by clicking here.
View 2023 RTFH Conference Agenda
2022 RTFH Conference on Homelessness
The RTFH hosted the first two-day conference of local, state and national experts with the goal of improving our collective understanding and approach to the number one issue facing the San Diego region and many others: homelessness. The event was held on Nov. 30 and Dec. 1 at the San Diego Convention Center and was attended by more than 700 people, representing more than 160 organizations, highlighting the deep need for our community to come together to seek solutions for San Diego.
With keynote addresses by national leaders and data experts, panels featuring San Diegans with lived experience, RTFH and CoC board members, elected officials and frontline staff members, RTFH was honored to put together a rich conference that increased collaboration, knowledge sharing, and left many participants feeling reinvigorated.
Click here to read a recap of the events that made the first ever #Solutions4SD conference one to remember.
The RTFH Conference is sold out. If you have purchased tickets but need finalize payment, please email Jordan.Beane@rtfhsd.org