
RTFH offers several diverse funding opportunities. Find out more about these opportunities below or get information for Grant Recipients.

Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program (YHDP)

The YHDP award in conjunction with the region’s Coordinated Community Plan will move the CoC forward in creating appropriate system capacity, and full implementation of a youth coordinated entry system to identify and quickly link all homeless youth to tailored and scaled housing and services.

Emergency Housing Vouchers (EHV)

As of 6/22/2021, 4 Public Housing Authorities were awarded  a minimum of 819 vouchers.

  • San Diego Housing Commission – 480
  • County of San Diego – 264
  • City of Oceanside – 43
  • City of National City – 32

Grants & Contracts

The Grants & Contracts page directs you to more information regarding what is needed for RTFH sub-grantees of all funding types.

Homeless Housing, Assistance and Prevention Grant Program (HHAP)

HHAP Round 1 provides local jurisdictions funds to be able to support regional coordination and expand or develop local capacity to address their immediate homelessness challenges.

HHAP Round 2 supports jurisdictions to continue to build upon regional collaboration to be able to develop a unified regional response.

Have you received a grant?

Check out the grant recipients page for information and resources pertaining to your funding opportunity.

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