CoC Membership
CoC Membership Guidelines
The CoC garners community-wide commitment to ending and preventing homelessness by engaging stakeholders in all parts of the Region. In addition to the entities identified in the HEARTH Act as required to participate in the CoC, the Full Membership includes a variety of community partners to the extent they are invested in ending homelessness and reside in the region.
Examples of additional stakeholders include private foundations, philanthropists, fraternal organizations, employment development, organized labor, and private health service organizations. It is the responsibility of the CoC Full Membership (FM) to:
- Establish a Governance Board (Board) to act on behalf of the CoC. This Board must be representative of the relevant organizations and projects serving homeless sub-populations and include at least one homeless or formerly homeless individual;
- Adopt and follow a written process for selection of Board Members and review this process at least once every five years;
- Elect Homeless Service Provider seats annually;
- Elect a Full Membership Liaison to the Board at the discretion of FM;
- Ratify the full slate of Board Members annually;
- Participate on Board Advisory Committees;
- In consultation with the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) Lead Agency and Collaborative Applicant, follow and ratify annually a Governance Charter;
- Attend meetings of the FM, with published agendas, at least twice per year;
- Issue public invitations for new members to join the FM at least annually;
- Facilitate sharing of provider expertise and intervention strategies through Learning Collaboratives, as needed; and
- Inform and support the development of regional plans and strategies.
Membership Types & Fees
A CoC member can be an individual, agency and/or department within a political subdivision who is concerned with and/or providing services to the various homeless subpopulations furthering the direction of the CoC. An agency and/or department with more than one individual representing that organization will be recognized as one member.
- Individual Members – CoC full individual membership is designed for those interested in and committed to ending homelessness, including consumers, students, educators, San Diego residents, and others. Individuals who care about the quality of services provided to persons experiencing homelessness, who want to ensure they are meeting their needs to the greatest extent possible are individual CoC members.
- Organization Members – CoC Organizational Membership is open to public, private, non-profit and for-profit organizations, corporations and agencies interested in supporting the CoC’s commitment to ending homelessness. Each Organizational Member may annually designate up to three (3) individuals to serve as its representative to the corporation, however there is only one vote per agency on voting matters.
Membership Fees:
- $50 Individual members
- $100 Organizational members
More information can be found on the CoC Membership Fact Sheet.
Apply for CoC Membership
Membership is open to organizations and individuals who support the CoC mission. See the applications below for more details on membership fees and types of membership. Please note that membership is not official until payment for membership fees have been received. Annual fee waivers are available to homeless or formerly homeless Individual Members or other conditions as approved by the Governance Board.
Current CoC Members
Please note – not all individuals/organizations listed below are voting members of the CoC.