Due to the recent COVID-19 crisis we have canceled all in-person training sessions.
Although we want to make sure we are upholding best community practices by canceling these in-person trainings, we understand that users still need HMIS training to best serve our homeless community through this crisis.
Please see below for all of the HMIS New User Training requirements to obtain a Clarity License
1. HMIS New USER Only Webinar: Watch the New User Webinar, and complete the guided data entry practice successfully, data is checked by the HMIS team.
Click the link here to register https://forms.gle/Wbqs5t3jnxygARNb9
2. HMIS Privacy and Security Essentials Webinar and Quiz: All Users must view the HMIS Privacy and Security Essentials Webinar and pass an online quiz on the webinar content with a score of 90% or better.
3. The Designated HMIS Agency Administrator at your agency must approve the license fees associated with a new Clarity user license.
The use of a computer/mobile device is required to complete training.