Please register the staff member who is needing HMIS training.
HMIS New USER Webinar Overview: The trainee will receive an email from the HMIS team once they are registered by their agency admin and approved. The email will include a link to watch the New User Webinar, and instructions on completing guided data entry practice, the data entry practice gets checked by the HMIS team in order to make sure the user is understanding the workflow and will need to meet the benchmark set by HMIS. Please register at least 3 days prior to training.
*** ADVANCED REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED*** Click the link here link here to register
For more information, please refer to the “HMIS Training and Support” section on the HMIS page.
DIAL 2-1-1
If you need immediate assistance, please visit this website or call 2-1-1 for information on resources and services near you.