This informational meeting will provide updates on the timeline for the CES transition to Clarity and definitions regarding the CES process.
We strongly encourage the following HMIS users to attend:
We will cover important CES definitions, the timeline for CES transition, details on how the CES matching and referral process will operate during the transition period and instructions on how you can ensure your client stays “active” for matching purposes during the CES transition period.
**REGISTRATION REQUIRED – To save a spot at this meeting, please register for the session below. To use the registration form, click inside the RSVP number field that currently reads “0” and either type “1” or use the arrow buttons that appear on the right side of the field to increase the number to “1” (**Note: Please do not register for more than one person at a time; duplicate registrations will be deleted). When you have increased the number from “0” to “1”, three additional fields will appear allowing you to enter your name, email address and to select that you are “Going” to the session. After that, click “Confirm RSVP” to submit your registration for the session.
DIAL 2-1-1
If you need immediate assistance, please visit this website or call 2-1-1 for information on resources and services near you.