Harm Reduction Training (people only need to attend one session)
Savina, 1388 Kettner – community social room – 40 people max
Tuesday, August 16 from 10:30am-12pm
Thursday, August 18 from 1:00pm-2:30pm
A conversation and training on best practices in harm reduction related to substance use and/or other harmful behaviors that people living on the streets may engage in for survival or other reasons
If you are interested in attending one of the Harm Reduction Trainings please RSVP Zoe Ridgway at zoe.ridgway@rtfhsd.org. These will be in person and are limited to 40 people, so if you RSVP, it is important that you are sure you are able to attend.
After each of these two sessions will be a mini munch and mingle – light food and conversation on encampments and your engagement.
Please check the Events calendar for the last training opportunities on 8/19 that focuses on Encampment Engagement.