New MPA FAQ and Guidelines

Since the launch of the new MPA this morning we have gotten a number of questions that we want to make sure providers have clear answers on.

New MPA? What’s that?

When should we start using the new MPA?

  • You should begin using the new MPA immediately. As of 4/1, the only valid MPA a client may sign is the new MPA combining HMIS and CIE consent.

I heard the old MPA is still good, what does this mean?

  • Old MPAs (signed prior to 3/31/20) are still valid within the trust network of HMIS providers for a 1-year grace period.
    • This is a grace period implemented to facilitate continued operations during the rollout of the new MPA. The old MPA is not permanent nor is it valid beyond 3/31/2021.
    • As soon as a client signs a new MPA it overwrites their old one and this grace period no longer applies (moving forward, you will use the newly signed MPA only)

If my client doesn’t have a new MPA, should I stop working with them until they do?

  • Please continue working with your clients normally. Old MPAs can still be used within the trust network for the next year.

If I can still use the old MPA, do I need to get a new one?

  • A new MPA is vital to coordinating client care across many domains. Please present the new MPA to your client(s) the next time you contact them.

Where can I find the new MPA?

  • Here is the landing page for HMIS where you can find the new MPA under HMIS documents
  • Here is a direct link to the new combined HMIS + CIE MPA

Can I still use the old MPA since I still have unused paper copies around my office?

  • Old MPAs are not valid for new signatures after 3/31/2020. Please move forward only using the new combined MPA (HMIS + CIE)

I can’t have clients sign electronically anymore, what’s happening? Is this a bug?

  • Electronic signature was disabled purposefully.
    • The new MPA asks for more information than Clarity’s Electronic Signature function currently allows us to collect.
    • We have strengthened the MPA to be more than just a signature.
  • Valid options for collecting the new combined MPA (HIMS+CIE) are:
    • PDF Upload (Attached PDF)
    • Household (for children or dependent adults whose head of household has an uploaded PDF)
    • Signed paper document (only for temporary usage before an MPA is able to be scanned)
    • Verbal consent (Only during the time Emergency Protocols are in place. Normally only 2-1-1 has authorization to use this method)

Does this mean the databases are combining?

  • The two databases (HMIS and CIE) serve separate purposes and will remain as separate databases. The new MPA is simply a way for both databases to share information between one another in order to strengthen our CoC’s collective response to clients’ needs.

How can my client revoke their new MPA?

  • The Revocation of Authorization to Release Information has been officially updated to encompass the new MPA and all it entails.
  • You may find the new revoke form on this landing page under HMIS documents
  • And here is a direct link to the form






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