One of the first steps in getting the community ready to use San Diego’s new HMIS software, Clarity, will be training HMIS users. Training sessions have officially been scheduled and all users are invited to sign up for a session that fits best in their schedule.

User Training

All users are required to attend one 90-minute training session in order to be granted a Clarity user license. Nine training sessions are being held over the course of three days (users only need to attend one of the following sessions):

Manager/Agency Administrator Training

All HMIS agency administrators are required to attend one Manager training session, which will cover how to perform your role as an HMIS agency administrator in Clarity, including a walk-through of the standard data entry workflow for users in advance of user training, how to manage your agency and programs in Clarity and a refresher overview of the role of HMIS agency administrators.

Two manager training sessions will be held on Monday, December 10th; agency administrators are only required to attend one session. Registration is required; please see the times for each session below and click on the link for a particular session to register.

**NOTE: If you have any question, please let us know by emailing

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